Naga Siren - Slithice review: DotA 2 Skill and Item Build — DotA , DotA 2 , DotA 2 Guides , DotA Item Build , DotA Skill , DotA Strategy , Dota Tips , Naga Siren , Rabid , review , Slithice , Tips and Tricks — Let's Play DotA 2

Naga Siren - Slithice review: DotA 2 Skill and Item Build

Naga Siren better known as Slithice is one of the best flexible heroes in DotA-Allstars.  Her skills are very supportive in game especially when five versus five games play.  

Naga Siren - Slithice can be effectively played by a support and killer type or hard carry during late game.

Her ensnare, rip tide and Song of Siren are the best supportive skill she can provide during the game. Ensnare has good time duration to disable the enemy when cast.

Even though it is not a kind of a total disable to the enemy the time duration is very effective especially when gang king.

Rip Tide is an AOE skill which provides damage to the enemy and result to decrease their armor.

Then with its last skill which is the song of siren she can be able to set a play with her team to know the focus target hero when cast.

In addition the song of siren can also be a very effective skill for escape.
In terms of killer type or hard carry hero ''Naga Siren'' is also a great choice of hero because slithice has an appropriate skills for killing.

Ensnare for disabling the enemy, Rip tide for reducing the armor of the enemy plus giving an AOE instant damage for the enemy. Last is her

Mirrorimages provide an increase in damage depending on its mirror image quantity. With great items Naga will became more powerful.

Items like Butterfly for damage and increase speed, Satanic, Monkey King Bar, Buriza-do Kyanon, Yasha and Sange,Slithice will surely became a killer hero.

Slithice ,Naga Siren, review,DotA ,DotA Skill , DotA Item Build, DotA 2, Dota Tips, DotA Strategy, DotA 2 Guides, Tips and Tricks,Rabid  Naga SirenSlithice,Naga Siren - Slithice,Slithice- Naga Siren review,DotA Skill and Item Build,  Naga Siren build,Slithice build, Naga Siren review,Slithice review,ensnare, rip tide,Song of Siren, Mirror Image, Support, killer, ganker,DotA-Allstars,  Quelling Blade, Ancient Tango of Essifation, Healing Salve, Ironwood Branch, Magic Stick, Power Treads, Battle Fury, Radiance, Yasha, SangeYasha and Sange, Vanguard, Black King Bar, Manta Style,Heart of Tarrasque,Divine Rapier,Sange and Yasha,Buriza-do Kyanon,Monkey King Bar,

For Naga Siren - Slithiceskill build you may also try  this kind of build
Level 1 -Ensnare
Level 2 -Rip Tide
Level 3 -Rip Tide
Level 4 -Ensnare
Level 5 -Rip Tide
Level 6 -Song of the Siren
Level 7 -Rip Tide
Level 8 -Mirror Image
Level 9 -Mirror Image
Level 10 -Mirror Image
Level 11 -Song of the Siren
Level 12 -Mirror Image
Level 13 -Ensnare
Level 14 -Ensnare
Level 15 -Attribute Bonus
Level 16 -Song of the Siren
Level 17 -Attribute Bonus
Level 18 -Attribute Bonus
Level 19 -Attribute Bonus
Level 20 -Attribute Bonus
Level 21 -?Attribute Bonus
Level 22 -Attribute Bonus
Level 23 -Attribute Bonus
Level 24 -Attribute Bonus
Level 25 -Attribute Bonus
Slithice ,Naga Siren, review,DotA ,DotA Skill , DotA Item Build, DotA 2, Dota Tips, DotA Strategy, DotA 2 Guides, Tips and Tricks,Rabid  Naga SirenSlithice,Naga Siren - Slithice,Slithice- Naga Siren review,DotA Skill and Item Build,  Naga Siren build,Slithice build, Naga Siren review,Slithice review,ensnare, rip tide,Song of Siren, Mirror Image, Support, killer, ganker,DotA-Allstars,  Quelling Blade, Ancient Tango of Essifation, Healing Salve, Ironwood Branch, Magic Stick, Power Treads, Battle Fury, Radiance, Yasha, SangeYasha and Sange, Vanguard, Black King Bar, Manta Style,Heart of Tarrasque,Divine Rapier,Sange and Yasha,Buriza-do Kyanon,Monkey King Bar,

For Naga Siren item builds you may follow the list of item builds below depending on game time.
Early game item build for Naga Siren can be the following:
  • Quelling Blade - This item is very helpful during early game,  Naga Siren can be easily kill the creeps and gain more gold.
  • Ancient Tango of Essifation- This item helps Slithice to regenerate when in mid health condition (Three Charges).
  • Healing Salve -  This item helps Slithice to regenerate more fast whenever he is in a low health condition but ones you've been hit by the enemy the effecrt of it will gone.
  • Ironwood Branch- This item grants each attributes for Naga Siren -Slithice giving her more strength and toughness plus agility. One Ironwood Branch provide a plus one stat to the hero.
  • Magic Stick - This helps you to counter spell caster enemy heroes it is very effective when your opponent hero is a spell caster. You may also upgrade this item to magic wand to increase its instant ability to heal and gain mana.

Middle game item build for Naga Siren can be the following:
  • Power Treads - This boots gives her agility and movement speed.
  • Battle Fury - This helps Naga Siren for better farming and grants her regeneration. This item also providesa splash skill to a melee hero.
  • Radiance - As a fast farmer game he can easily built this item during the mid-game. This item helps her in farming and grants her attack damage.
  • Yasha - This gives Naga Siren attack speed and movement speed.
  • Vanguard - This item gives her Health Points and toughness during the game. This item can be maintained until the late game.
  • Black King Bar - This helps her to tank and hit more during clash preventing spells to cast on her.
Late game item build for Naga Siren can be the following:
  • Manta Style - This helps Naga Siren to replicate herself into two to help her during the clash that may also confuse the enemy.
  • Butterfly - This item gives Naga Siren more attack speed and grants evasion that counters other melee enemy heroes.
  • Heart of Tarrasque - This grants her massive strength adding more health points. This can replace the Vanguard.
  • Divine Rapier - This can be one of the late game item for Naga Siren if your team is near on winning the game.
  • Sange and Yasha - This grants Naga Siren both strength and speed.
  • Monkey King Bar - This gives Naga Siren a lot more damage and a chance to mini-bash.
  • Buriza-do Kyanon - This gives Naga Siren a lot more damage and a chance to do more damage.
That's all my review to this DotA 2 hero Naga Siren - Slithice! I hope you learn and gain to this post. 

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